Monday, August 18, 2014

Diagramo moved to Apache 2.0 license

We moved Diagramo from GPL license to Apache 2.0 license.

This will allow ANYONE to get Diagramo, modify and use it to his/her needs.

This decision came as a natural evolution to following issues:
  • There are people and companies that find Diagramo code interesting but having a GPL or commercial license give them little decision freedom
  • We suck at marketing so instead of trying to be what we are not we will try to be a better version of what we are (geeks)
  • Diagramo has all the features I (Alex) envisioned when initiated it so from my "geeky" point of view it's a complete product. Of course a lot of things can be added but they are not vital. site itself will host a modified version of Diagramo sources to allow free creation of Diagrams - but the original sources are now completely  free for anyone.

Enjoy and thank you for supporting us for all these years while we struggled to create something useful.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Error fixed

We had an error with newly created diagram. They were not properly saved :(

Now it's fixed.

Sorry for any inconvenience we did to you.

The fun stuff is that even our diagrams are stored inside Diagramo so it blew in our face. So we are among the first to fell it :D


Diagramo back online

As always we are always late of making announcement as we do focus on code.

We offered Diagramo as LAMP installer, as light version and almost any possible variant and we discovered that we lose focus ...we spread to thin..

Why? Because offering a download version and try to fit anyone's server config is a time consuming and we would like to focus on only 4 browsers and that's it.

What does it mean?
It means that will continue to offer the download version but we will focus on online version or as the trend goes with cloud version.

So....enjoy the new version we cooked for you and I hope this was a good decision.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Dotted and dashed support added

It was a long time since we wanted to have dotted and dashed support for figures, connectors and containers.

We finally have it. Check the screenshot bellow.

As new browsers have support for dashed lines we tried to use it where available. Older browsers that do  not have dashed line support will not be able to use this unless we add a "fallback" method to simulate dashed lines.

The problem with simulation is that it can easily increase the computation time thus making the entire browser / engine to become sluggish.

Enjoy the dotted line support.